Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Newest Website Addiction!!

I like to pride myself on being pretty up on things but I am not sure what rock I have been living under to just now discover Brit & Co!  This website is AH-MAZING... SO well laid out and just down right pretty!

SERIOUSLY.  Click over immediately.  You'll thank you me =)

But just in case you need a little more convincing,
these are a few of my favorite finds so far....
I seriously had to cut myself off or this would have been the longest. post. ever.

Don't even get me started on the techy section which is FUUUULL of products that I never knew I needed...Such as:

A vest that hugs you when you get a like on Facebook!
(Would anyone else be tempted to just LIKE, LIKE, LIKE everything on a friends page if you knew they had this on? )

A bracelet that lets you know when you've gotten enough sun
(Can we say adios sun spots??)

And a collection of some of the most chic water bottles I have EVER seen!

Are there any other fabulous websites I am missing out on? Are you a fan of Brit & Co?

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