Thursday, March 14, 2013

Thoughtful Thursday - His Great Name

Being at a lose for words is not something that's common for me.  I'd be embarrassed to tell you how many of my elementary school report cards included some note about me talking too much and I can promise you that I have heard EVERY long-winded joke out there....  My mom likes to remind me often that "once I started talking I just never stopped". Um. Thanks mom.

That said, I have found myself in moments of my life where - believe it or not - even I am without words.  They are often those moments where the ache in my heart was so deep that I would have sworn that, had I had opened my mouth, all that I would have been able to utter would have been a sob or seven.  They are the moments when the hurt has simply... knocked me speechless.  
I have nothing to say.  The pain has swallowed me and I am tired and knocked on my back.

In those instances, there is one simple word that I know, if I can utter it, that the process of healing will begin... There is one, simple, two syllable name that - if I can force it out of my frightened and worn out soul - will be all it takes to give me the strength to breath for another moment.....

The name above all names.
The love of my soul and my hiding place.


When I first heard the song below by Natalie Grant I was reminded of those moments of utter speechless dispair and the simple truth that, sometimes, all you can do is cry His name. That's all you have in you...
Those of you with little ones know the desperate speed with which your feet move as soon as you hear one of your babies utter your name in a moment of hurt.


That's all it takes and you are where they are in an instant.

Our Father in heaven works the same...
Rest in His Great Name...


  1. This was such a sweet blessing to me today, thank you!

    1. Thank you Ashley for this encouragement.... I so needed it!!


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