Monday, March 25, 2013

Miscellany Monday - The "I've Been a Slacker" Edition

Well HELLLLO there friends.....

Obviously, I took a little hiatus last week and would love to give you a great reason such as being on a fabulous tropical vacation or a social calendar that was packed hanging with some famous (real life) friends buuuut.....


I was just a slacker - Sorry about that =)

(I'm sure that y'all were all losing sleep over the lack of my endless rambling in your least that what's I like to tell myself ...)

Since - CHOO CHOO - I'm back on the blog train, I thought I'd kick it in gear with some random Monday musings...

* I bought the most beautiful new Koozie last weekend to replace one of the 73 that I've left scattered in various places across our fine city. 
(I have trouble keeping up with things...) 
As I was checking out I got a question that I am CERTAIN only happens in the south.
"Would you like it monogrammed?"
Um. Huh?
As a born and bred southerner, I have the utmost love and respect for all things monogrammed but - my koozie? Really?  Welcome to the South folks...welcome.

*  I am really missing the water these days...Spent a few quiet moments at the lake near our house the other day and it slightly soothed the itch buuuuuut not totally.  

Not to mention that it was FUH-REEZING and there were a few too many geese nearby for me to fully relax.  Geese can be hostile and unpredictable....kind of like teenage girls.

* This past week my love for The Chronicles of Narnia was reignited...Someone please tell me I wasn't the only one weeping hysterically crying when Aslan appeared in the sunrise! I may have had a full on glory fit!  Here are few favorite quotes that I have been OBSESSED with lately...

* My girl Kate made a few appearances this week and I have every intention to post about it in sickening detail...get pumped!

*  Why won't winter let up? I mean seriously... This is the forecast here in Nashville for the next couple days...
Snow? Winter, your like a bad hacking cough... let up already!

And since I just blogged intentionally about the weather that must mean two things:
I'm either 98 years old OR I should stop typing =)

Link up below:
  miscellany monday at lowercase letters


Thank you so much for taking the time to read - and comment! I love hearing from you!!