Thursday, December 11, 2008
It was almost 80 degrees here today!!! Can I just say that it is really difficult to spread Christmas cheer ( I work part time in retail...) when it is a gazillion degrees outside!! To further test my resolve to be joyful no matter the circumstance =), the AC at work was on the blink today....any by blink I mean not working =)
On a positive weather note, it did rain profusely today and everyone in my world KNOWS what that means....
On any day that the weather man even thinks it might, possibly, perhaps, maybe think about drizzling, I proudly sport the best wellies you have ever seen!! They are crazy with polka dots (yes, I know I am a grown-up) in all different colors!! As a side note, I did buy them new, no thrift boots, but on MAJOR clearance at!!! There may have been a reason they were on clearance but that's a subject for another day.....
I can't tell you how often I've worn them only for the sun to come out in defiance of my fashion statement. To say that one feels silly wearing rain boots, no matter how fabulous, in sunny weather is a tad of an understatement. People always tell me they like them, including a few kids that I see regularly.....and, when children comment on your fashion choices, there is always a small voice in your head that wonders if the fact a First grader likes your shoes is a good thing =) Either way, I love them and was super stoked to get to wear them today and, as a bonus, it actually rained! Well done weather man!!!
I think the rain is supposed to stop tonight and winter is going to return....which is really good because it takes alot of effort to work those wacky boots into a real adult outfit and I'm not sure I'm up for it two days in a row =)
Monday, November 24, 2008
If I did then I would most certainly invite them to the daily show entitled "Kristi Trying to Get Out of the House". I couldn't help but laugh out loud to myself this morning as I sort of tumbled out of our door to the waiting day....It's a little Kramer-Like, my daily exit from our house. It always involves me (I know, duh.) , my giant purse, an equally large bag - o - random stuff, a lunch bag ( a very sofisticated lunch bag, may I add =) No My Little Pony here.... ) , and at least one sweatshirt/jacket/extra thing to cover myself with should the tempeture suddenly drop. My daily departure also tends to involve at least one, if not two, trips back into the house to get things I forgot/dropped/didn't know I needed.
I have to confess that I am not ALWAYS laughing at the tumbling act - like exit...sometimes it makes me grumpy...On THOSE mornings, I have to take a deep breath and work fervently to take every thought captive....It would also prove dangerous for anyone that I saw laughing at my sling shot start on those grumpy mornings. Just thought you should know that in case you ever make a showing.... =)
It often makes me think that I need a larger bag to hold all of my random stuff...I think that my need to carry my whole life with me daily is born out of some fear that I'll need something I don't have with me. It is also born out of slight laziness because once something has made it's way into the 'Everyday Bag' it may never see the light of day again....I don't clean it out often =) Keep in mind, will you, that I have NO CHILDREN!! Two bags, a purse, and a jacket or two and it's JUST ME!
It really is a shame that we aren't better friends with our neightbors...I should send them some popcorn and invite them to the 10 a.m. showing tomorrow....
Monday, November 17, 2008
My Priorities dawned on me today that I have never changed my contact email at my bank or any of the other important places that use it to send me bills and things...
I did, however, make sure to change it on Facebook.
Oh well...priorities are way over rated =)
On another note, Thanksgiving is NEXT WEEK. I love the holidays!! The music, decorations, food...what's not to love!!
I just hope that Santa, along with my bank, hasn't been trying to get me on my old email. At least he could have found me on Facebook....
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
His Goodness
I have just been so aware lately of His overwhelming goodness to me. Some of the reminder was birthed out a breakfast date I had a few weeks ago with a dear friend from college. We hadn't caught up in ages and it was so nice to able to share what had been going on in each other's lives. Well, as I told her all that the Lord has done with me in the past few years, I was simply OVERWHELMED by it all....
I mean, I know that i LIVED it but I don't know the last time I REFLECTED on it...the last time that I just reveled in it and was sufficiently in awe of it!!! The life that I get to get up and live everyday is so precious and so not one that I could have ever even dreamt up for myself! I thought that I had a perfect plan and, boy, was I charging away at the things I thought I wanted and needed....
God, in all His mighty wisdom, steered me away from all of those things and plans and saved me from , what I see now, would have have been a pure mess....or, at the very least, would have been less than He had for me...
and let me tell you......
The title of this here blog is "Life on the Red Carpet" came out of a joke with some friends about how I live everyday "on the red carpet" (If you haven't, now is a good time to read the About Me part of this blog....I have a recognizable and borderline unhealthy fascination with all things celebrity....My sweet husband and friends deal with it and pick on me about it but, just for the record, whenever Britney had her breakdown, I was their fountain of knowledge....I digress...) How grateful I will ALWAYS be that the Lord didn't let me settle for just hanging out behind the velvet rope....
Monday, November 3, 2008
Crisis Averted
My mom found me the cupcake mix. I won't be forced to buy it off ebay.....My dignity can remain intact =)
Where did I find it you may ask?? Well the Dollar Tree of course =)
Saturday, November 1, 2008
A New Low
I have a love for thrift stores and general thrify living. Most people who know me well will be quick to correct that to say that I have an OBSESSION for thrift stores. I love buying things second hand! ( I know that some people call this cheap....I prefer the word 'thrifty' )The ladies at Goodwill and the thrift store just about know me by name (or credit card number...whatever.) I reason my excessive thrift storing by saying that I feel that it is the socially responsible thing to know - it's like my own way of recycling. There is nothing like walking away with a new pair of Gap jeans that you only paid $5 for! I mean - HELLO! Talk about victory!! Now, I DO have my limits....I don't buy bathing suits, socks, anything like that....I mean a girl has to have her standards. forward....
My Aunt G sent me some cupcake mix a few weeks ago. It was awesome and the cupcakes turned out fabulously!!! I have since been on the hunt ( Can you tell I have a bit of an obsessive personality??) for more. I have checked EVERYWHERE....I mean, come on Wal-Mart!!! I have have always thought that is Wal-Mart doesn't carry it then you, obviously, don't need to own it. Well....that must not be true because they do NOT have Betty Crocker Cupcake mix and I NEED IT!!!! I asked me Aunt where she got it ( I know, I know...should have started there but had no idea that it was going to be such an illusive find!! It's CAKE mix for goodness sake!)and she said Target. Thinking that I would soon be able to end my quest, I went to Target.
I don't have time for this type of drama so i did what everyother sane person would do...
I google searched it.
This is what came up....
Shopping results for betty crocker cupcake mix
Betty Crocker Devil's Food Cupcake Mix 9.1 oz ...
$1.04 - eBay
Betty Crocker Yellow Cupcake Mix 9.1 oz - new
$1.04 - eBay
$3.25 - eBay
Did you catch that???
You can buy the stuff on EBAY!!!! My thriftiness almost took over as I realized that I was strongly considering bidding on the stuff!! I mean - come on Kristi!! Find your boundary!!I mean, I know that isn't second hand but still.....who buys cake mix on ebay!?!?!?! who CONSIDERS buying cake mix on ebay....
I alarm myself..
Thursday, October 23, 2008
I have a what
What am I thinking?!?!
The whole blog world has become a fascination of mine - okay, let's be straight, an OBSESSION - of mine over the last few months. I kept making idle threats to my poor friends who would feel obligated to read it that I was going to write one...and look. at. that.
I have a blog.
Let's hope that I am not dreadfully boring or that I say stupid things. We'll see....It is totally possible that I will write this and never post again. I know that sounds defeatist but the penny whistle I can't play, the knitting that is DUSTY, and that bag of acrylic paints and canvases in my closet speak to a slight pattern on behavior in my life =) Sometimes, just sometimes, I begin things I don't complete.
It's not like I have anything earth shattering to write about on here either. Most peoples blogs that I have been reading have really cute children to post pictures of or are living thousands of miles from home and are keeping blogs about thier adventures.
Not that my life is boring....It is most certainly NOT boring =)
I guess if you (the people who simply stumbled upon this because I am not telling anyone about this just yet!) are at all interested in the thrilling-ness that IS my life, you'll stick around.