I think that I am about to become a believer in global warming...
It was almost 80 degrees here today!!! Can I just say that it is really difficult to spread Christmas cheer ( I work part time in retail...) when it is a gazillion degrees outside!! To further test my resolve to be joyful no matter the circumstance =), the AC at work was on the blink today....any by blink I mean not working =)
On a positive weather note, it did rain profusely today and everyone in my world KNOWS what that means....
On any day that the weather man even thinks it might, possibly, perhaps, maybe think about drizzling, I proudly sport the best wellies you have ever seen!! They are crazy with polka dots (yes, I know I am a grown-up) in all different colors!! As a side note, I did buy them new, no thrift boots, but on MAJOR clearance at target.com!!! There may have been a reason they were on clearance but that's a subject for another day.....
I can't tell you how often I've worn them only for the sun to come out in defiance of my fashion statement. To say that one feels silly wearing rain boots, no matter how fabulous, in sunny weather is a tad of an understatement. People always tell me they like them, including a few kids that I see regularly.....and, when children comment on your fashion choices, there is always a small voice in your head that wonders if the fact a First grader likes your shoes is a good thing =) Either way, I love them and was super stoked to get to wear them today and, as a bonus, it actually rained! Well done weather man!!!
I think the rain is supposed to stop tonight and winter is going to return....which is really good because it takes alot of effort to work those wacky boots into a real adult outfit and I'm not sure I'm up for it two days in a row =)
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