ok....I think I have reached a new low - or high - depending on how you see it. This is going to require a little bit of background info....
I have a love for thrift stores and general thrify living. Most people who know me well will be quick to correct that to say that I have an OBSESSION for thrift stores. I love buying things second hand! ( I know that some people call this cheap....I prefer the word 'thrifty' )The ladies at Goodwill and the thrift store just about know me by name (or credit card number...whatever.) I reason my excessive thrift storing by saying that I feel that it is the socially responsible thing to do....you know - it's like my own way of recycling. There is nothing like walking away with a new pair of Gap jeans that you only paid $5 for! I mean - HELLO! Talk about victory!! Now, I DO have my limits....I don't buy bathing suits, socks, anything like that....I mean a girl has to have her standards.
Ok...fast forward....
My Aunt G sent me some cupcake mix a few weeks ago. It was awesome and the cupcakes turned out fabulously!!! I have since been on the hunt ( Can you tell I have a bit of an obsessive personality??) for more. I have checked EVERYWHERE....I mean, come on Wal-Mart!!! I have have always thought that is Wal-Mart doesn't carry it then you, obviously, don't need to own it. Well....that must not be true because they do NOT have Betty Crocker Cupcake mix and I NEED IT!!!! I asked me Aunt where she got it ( I know, I know...should have started there but had no idea that it was going to be such an illusive find!! It's CAKE mix for goodness sake!)and she said Target. Thinking that I would soon be able to end my quest, I went to Target.
I don't have time for this type of drama so i did what everyother sane person would do...
I google searched it.
This is what came up....
Shopping results for betty crocker cupcake mix
Betty Crocker Devil's Food Cupcake Mix 9.1 oz ...
$1.04 - eBay
Betty Crocker Yellow Cupcake Mix 9.1 oz - new
$1.04 - eBay
$3.25 - eBay
Did you catch that???
You can buy the stuff on EBAY!!!! My thriftiness almost took over as I realized that I was strongly considering bidding on the stuff!! I mean - come on Kristi!! Find your boundary!!I mean, I know that isn't second hand but still.....who buys cake mix on ebay!?!?!?! who CONSIDERS buying cake mix on ebay....
I alarm myself..
I've considered it! But mainly because it was when I was living in England and couldn't get the foods that I loved. :)