There's something so refreshing about a new year.
I am not one to make elaborate resolutions but do appreciate the time to reflect and re-evaluate....
This past year has been somethin' =) Sometimes that is the best way to sum things up and it's a common one to hear in the south - SO - I'll just leave it at that.
This year has been SOMETHIN'.
There are so many things that I want to accomplish and begin to accomplish in the next 365 days....
I want to know more of who I am and who the Lord has meant me to be. I think my vision of that has gotten fuzzy in places and I am looking forward to learning more of how to tune out other voices and opinions and focusing on the Voice that started it all.
We are throwing ourselves into really pursuing the musical talents that just ooze from my precious husband and I look forward to that....and I believe in it so much that I am more than willing to charge in that direction.
I want to make stuff =) and take more pictures. I thought about doing that 365 day photo challenge but , let's be honest....that would NEVER happen =) We're lucky if I manage to put on shoes that match everyday.
I'll leave it there for now...
with two quick asides=)
First, if you sew or maybe want to - you HAVE to have this book. I received it as a gift and am OBSESSED. I'll post pictures when I actually complete a project.

Second, has anyone seen that new show "Bridely Plasty"?? I am beyond shocked. If you have no idea what I am talking about, google it and join me in the "HOLYCOWWHEREISOURWORLDHEADED?!?!" moment.
Hey Kristi! I wanted to let you know that I've added a bunch of sponsors to the London Photography Workshop and this week there's special pre-registration pricing brought back. The freebies and discounts in the swag bags will be as great as the cost of the workshop. Would love to see you there!