Tuesday, October 19, 2010
The Amish Tory Burch
I have embraced my new crafty self....I bought a sewing machine and am attempting to not sew myself to things but rather become the next Tory Burch. I actually even signed up for sewing lessons because I am apparently also wanting to become Amish....
The next Amish Tory Burch....huh.... that's a Wikipedia page waiting to be written people.
I have also discovered Shopstyle.com.
Oh. My. Goodness.
I am addicted!!! If you haven't you MUST check it out - when you have lots of time to blow putting together imaginary outfits =)
Monday, September 20, 2010
Being Crafty
Take for example my short lived career as a Penny Whistle player...
Go back with me to somewhere around 2004. I was recently married and had just found this CD as a recent addition to my CD collection:

I LOVED it immediately and played it on repeat all. the. time. (I also have a tendency for being a tad obsessive. That's another blog post entirely.) I also quickly decided, like all sane people, that I just had to learn to play that Penny Whistle that is so prominent in the recording. Now, why I didn't become obsessed with moving to Ireland or building a castle like the one of the front cover I will never know. But - alas - I chose to play the Penny Whistle.
Now is a great time to point out that the extent of musical career starts and ends with a rousing performance on the recorder in 3rd grade. Watch out Yanni....Here I come.
My sweet husband, who is a RIDICULOUSLY talented musician, took it upon himself to teach me to play. (Did I mention that we were newly married?) He bought me a shiny little whistle on a trip to the mountains and
I was the proud owner of a "Teach Yourself The Penny Whistle" book and CD within 2 weeks and, six years later, I couldn't put my hands on the Penny Whistle is a face to face meeting with Rachel Zoe depended on it.
Hope you enjoyed that little story =) I drug you with me down memory lane to say this:
I always want to be crafty and creative. I want to play music, knit things, paint things, and just generally be like Martha Stewart meets Janis Joplin meets Laura Ingalls Wilder. (Wow - that's quite a trinity of women! I'd love to be at THAT kitchen table! Laura could have widdled it out of a tree, Martha couls set it with natural gourds and Janis....well, I'm not sure how helpdful she would be but MAN how mush fun!) I want to be able to take things in my house and turn them into brand new things. I spend LOTS of time looking at blogs of creative powerhouses and am determined to spend more time making cool stuff and less time reading about other people making cool stuff.
So - buckle up people. Your about to see some major creativity flow on this red carpet!!
PS - I just reread this blog pre-publish and am pretty sure it makes no sense at all. I refuse to delete it and start over though. I will follow through with it's publication....aaaaaaaaand PUBLISH.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Fall & Boots

Friday, September 10, 2010
Wannabe Flower Child
I absolutely have to own a pair of these:
And by "own them", I mean sleep/eat/breathe/bathe in them! In the words of RZ, " I die!"
I found out these on ebay and really love them!! The laces are FAB - U - LOUS! I haven't bid on them yet but just may have to....
Apparently my mom still has a pair from her teenage years but that would never happen.... She'd happily give them to my but, unfortunately, I'd have to cut off my toes to get my big 'ol ginormous feet into her teeny tiny boots. Nothing would thrill me more though than to be able to say that I was wearing VINTAGE fringe boots!!
I think I just got chills....
"Hello there. Oh - are you staring at my boots? Where did I get them? Oh (look shyly away) they're vintage."
* sigh * ok...well I'm off to fully embrace my "60's-ism"....maybe I'll hug a tree or burn my bra.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Things I Love....

I think that if you have made it to the end of this post you deserve a total standing ovation =) I'll stop while I am ahead and may still have one reader left....I'm off to put on sky high heals and hunt down some M&M's =)
Monday, August 30, 2010
I Heart Faces - Photojournalism
Obviously, a maternity shoot is slightly planned =) My favorite thing about this photo is that there was something really special and not planned about thise moment....I love that there is a secret conversation going on between these two. I imagine that it revolves around the precious little person that is about to enter their world...but - I'll never know =)
Friday, August 27, 2010
Fix It Friday
This is my first participation in any sort of I Heart Faces fun in awhile! I just couldn't resist getting back into the swing of things this week =) I thought this photo was quite good to begin with so I really just played with the light and color.

Here's what I did using PSE 7:
Cropped it in some. ( I totally love my crop tool....it really is my best friend!)
* I lightened it alot to really make it bright.
*cI used the Smart Brush to brighten the sky and amp up the green in the greenery.
* I also upped the saturation on blues and greens in general.
That's really about it =) It was a slower photography week for me personally so I was excied to be able to have a photo to play with =)
Friday, August 20, 2010
Visitors Y'all!
Um....So THAT is a house =) We did a tour of the house, which was SUPER interesting and, unlike my tours of the Lowcountry, not riddled with semi made up folklore =)
There were so many beautiful details in this house....These were some of my favorites.....
Yay for fancy Southern houses....now - to convince my husband that a portico like that would look stellar on our house....
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
so....been awhile
since we last spoke, i've been doing more of this:

surprised me with a new camera for christmas. yes, christmas. and now it's august and i'm just now updating.
geez....i'd love to tell you ive been busy saving the world but - alas - i haven't . not this time anyway.
i HAVE done some of this:

i went and saw this guy in concert and even got to meet him....i was pretty much a total idiot and star struck. If you don't know who he is, please just pretend:

expect more out of me people.....honestly more than one update a year would be more =) but i'm promising more than that =)