I think that if you have made it to the end of this post you deserve a total standing ovation =) I'll stop while I am ahead and may still have one reader left....I'm off to put on sky high heals and hunt down some M&M's =)
Obviously, a maternity shoot is slightly planned =) My favorite thing about this photo is that there was something really special and not planned about thise moment....I love that there is a secret conversation going on between these two. I imagine that it revolves around the precious little person that is about to enter their world...but - I'll never know =)
Cropped it in some. ( I totally love my crop tool....it really is my best friend!)
* I lightened it alot to really make it bright.
*cI used the Smart Brush to brighten the sky and amp up the green in the greenery.
* I also upped the saturation on blues and greens in general.
That's really about it =) It was a slower photography week for me personally so I was excied to be able to have a photo to play with =)
Um....So THAT is a house =) We did a tour of the house, which was SUPER interesting and, unlike my tours of the Lowcountry, not riddled with semi made up folklore =)
There were so many beautiful details in this house....These were some of my favorites.....
Yay for fancy Southern houses....now - to convince my husband that a portico like that would look stellar on our house....