Monday, September 20, 2010

Being Crafty

I think it has been well established that I have a tendency for flitting from one idea to another with an occasional lack of follow through....

Take for example my short lived career as a Penny Whistle player...

Go back with me to somewhere around 2004. I was recently married and had just found this CD as a recent addition to my CD collection:
I LOVED it immediately and played it on repeat all. the. time. (I also have a tendency for being a tad obsessive. That's another blog post entirely.) I also quickly decided, like all sane people, that I just had to learn to play that Penny Whistle that is so prominent in the recording. Now, why I didn't become obsessed with moving to Ireland or building a castle like the one of the front cover I will never know. But - alas - I chose to play the Penny Whistle.

Now is a great time to point out that the extent of musical career starts and ends with a rousing performance on the recorder in 3rd grade. Watch out Yanni....Here I come.

My sweet husband, who is a RIDICULOUSLY talented musician, took it upon himself to teach me to play. (Did I mention that we were newly married?) He bought me a shiny little whistle on a trip to the mountains and naively bravely undertook teaching me.

I was the proud owner of a "Teach Yourself The Penny Whistle" book and CD within 2 weeks and, six years later, I couldn't put my hands on the Penny Whistle is a face to face meeting with Rachel Zoe depended on it.

Hope you enjoyed that little story =) I drug you with me down memory lane to say this:

I always want to be crafty and creative. I want to play music, knit things, paint things, and just generally be like Martha Stewart meets Janis Joplin meets Laura Ingalls Wilder. (Wow - that's quite a trinity of women! I'd love to be at THAT kitchen table! Laura could have widdled it out of a tree, Martha couls set it with natural gourds and Janis....well, I'm not sure how helpdful she would be but MAN how mush fun!) I want to be able to take things in my house and turn them into brand new things. I spend LOTS of time looking at blogs of creative powerhouses and am determined to spend more time making cool stuff and less time reading about other people making cool stuff.

So - buckle up people. Your about to see some major creativity flow on this red carpet!!

PS - I just reread this blog pre-publish and am pretty sure it makes no sense at all. I refuse to delete it and start over though. I will follow through with it's publication....aaaaaaaaand PUBLISH.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Fall & Boots

I LOOOOOOOOOVE Fall. It is my all time favorite season even though I reside currently in a place that, really, doesn't have seasons. We sorta go from summer to winter and then maybe back to summer a few times before non crazy-hot weather settles in. Leaves here don't really even change color the way that God intended. They just give up, turn brown, and fall off the tree....guess you could say they are rebellious.

I am SO ready to be able to walk from my door to my car without breaking a sweat and am super ready to transition to fall clothes. One can only put together so many outfits with the same tank tops and shorts....I'm out of combos people!!! Noted by my last post, I heart boots in a major way and wish that it would be appropriate to go ahead and sport them.

My desperation to FINALLY be able to wear boots has brought weak moments that almost made me buy into the fashion trend I've seen of girls wearing them already with their summer dresses and shorts. I then remember that I didn't want to die an early death from heatstroke and I also don't want to recreate this stunner:

I love me some Julia but this is NOT the character I'd choose to steal fashion advice from.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Wannabe Flower Child

Sometimes I would swear to you that I was born in the wrong decade!! Let today forever keep in prosperity one such reason:

I absolutely have to own a pair of these:


And by "own them", I mean sleep/eat/breathe/bathe in them! In the words of RZ, " I die!"

I found out these on ebay and really love them!! The laces are FAB - U - LOUS! I haven't bid on them yet but just may have to....

Apparently my mom still has a pair from her teenage years but that would never happen.... She'd happily give them to my but, unfortunately, I'd have to cut off my toes to get my big 'ol ginormous feet into her teeny tiny boots. Nothing would thrill me more though than to be able to say that I was wearing VINTAGE fringe boots!!

I think I just got chills....

"Hello there. Oh - are you staring at my boots? Where did I get them? Oh (look shyly away) they're vintage."

* sigh * ok...well I'm off to fully embrace my "60's-ism"....maybe I'll hug a tree or burn my bra.